Uit die kantoor
Welkom by die wonderlike wêreld van die Swellies!
Dit is my voorreg, as die waarnemende skoolhoof, om u te verwelkom by Laerskool
Swellendam. Na die vertrek van mnr Jaco Swart (wat as skoolhoof by Laerskool
Stellenbosch aangestel is) bly ons standvastig in ons verbintenis om die heel beste laerskool
op die platteland te wees.
Met ons fokus op die drie fundamentele pilare: Akademie, Sport en Kultuur, is ons toegewyde Skoolbestuurspan vasbeslote om voort te bou op die nalatenskap en stewige
fondament wat mnr. Jaco oor die afgelope 9 jaar gevestig het.
As Afrikaans-sprekende skool is ons toegewyd tot die bevordering van 'n inklusiewe
omgewing wat Engels-sprekende leerders akkommodeer en ondersteun. Ons hernude fokus
op ons vier kernwaardes – Liefde, Omgee, Verantwoordelikheid en Respek – vorm die
grondslag van ons skool se etos. Ons beloon positiewe gedrag van leerders en moedig
sodoende selfdissipline en verantwoordbaarheid aan.
Ons motiveer ons leerders om ''Swellie Grit'' te gebruik in uitdagende omstandighede en
nooit op te gee nie. Ons verbintenis tot voortdurende personeelontwikkeling weerspieël ons
toewyding om leerders met diverse behoeftes en leerstyle te ondersteun. Ons skoolleuse:
''Kennis is Mag'' resoneer hierdie verbintenis.
Laerskool Swellendam is nie net 'n opvoedkundige instelling nie; maar ook 'n integrale deel
van die hegte gemeenskap van ons pragtige dorp, Swellendam. Ons uitsonderlike personeel,
tesame met die onwrikbare ondersteuning van ons ouers, dra daagliks by tot die waarde van
ons geliefde skool.
Terwyl ons hierdie reis saam aanpak, sal ons voortgaan om saam te werk aan die holistiese
ontwikkeling van ons leerders, wat 'n liefde vir leer, sportmanskap en 'n diep waardering vir
kuns en kultuur bevorder.
Ons is opgewonde oor die toekoms van Laerskool Swellendam. Saam sal ons die tradisies
van uitnemendheid handhaaf en voortgaan om 'n positiewe impak op die lewens van ons
studente te maak.
Rudi Pretorius
Waarnemende Skoolhoof
Laerskool Swellendam
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Swellies!
It is with great pleasure and a sense of responsibility that I address you as the Acting
Principal of Swellendam Primary School. As we navigate through this transition period
following the departure of Mr. Jaco Swart, who has taken on a new role as principal at
Stellenbosch Primary School, we are steadfast in our commitment to being the very best
primary school in the countryside.
With our focus on the three fundamental pillars: Academics, Sport, and Culture, our
dedicated School Management Team is resolute in building upon this legacy and solid
foundation Mr. Swart has laid.
As an Afrikaans School, we are still dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that
supports and accommodates English-speaking learners. Our renewed focus on our four core
values – Love, Caring, Responsibility, and Respect – forms the bedrock of our school's ethos.
We believe in catching students doing something right and actively promote a positive and
encouraging atmosphere.
We motivate our learners to use "Swellie Grit" in challenging circumstances and never give up. Our focus on continuous staff development reflects our commitment to supporting
learners with diverse needs and learning styles. Our school motto: "Knowledge is Power"
resonates this commitment.
Swellendam Primary School is not just an educational institution; we are an integral part of
the close-knit community of our beautiful town, Swellendam. Our exceptional staff,
together with the unwavering support of our parents, contributes daily to the value of our
beloved school.
As we embark on this journey together, we will continue to work collaboratively towards
the holistic development of our students, fostering a love for learning, sportsmanship, and a
deep appreciation for arts and culture.
We are excited about the future of Swellendam Primary School. Together, we will uphold
the traditions of excellence and continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our
Swellie regards,
Rudi Pretorius
Acting Principal
Swellendam Primary School